Addressing global challenges
The health of the ocean and seas is inextricably linked with the health of our planet and all life on Earth. Marine Research Plymouth Alliance creates opportunities to provide timely and relevant scientific research and advice for a sustainable ocean future.
Across our partner organisations, we have experts globally recognised for their research excellence and invited members of influential national and international bodies.
Our award-winning science has far reaching impact and informs international policy as well as contributing towards achieving targets and aspirations set out in international directives, such as addressing many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and playing important roles in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for a Sustainable Future.
We are committed to making our science accessible to a wide audience to help ensure a healthy, productive and resilient ocean for present and future generations. Some examples of areas of expertise concern climate change and ocean acidification, marine litter and microplastics, pollution and (smart) marine spatial planning as well as ocean literacy.
International collaborations in over 100 countries place Plymouth in the mix of key advances in global knowledge.
UN Ocean Decade
Through the activities pioneered by our partner organisations, Plymouth has become a hub for UK-led international projects, providing the science we need for the ocean we want.
UN and Climate Change
For decades, Plymouth’s experts have been studying climate change and working to influence and inform global policy.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Through our science strategies and projects, marine experts in Plymouth contribute to the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water, as well as other key SDGs.
UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution
The scale of the global plastics crisis, and its many environmental and social impacts, are both a core area of our research and a profound source of concern.